ANTS -We have over 60,000 automatic thoughts every single day, and most of these are negative. Hence ANTS
Worst thing? They are almost the exact same every day.
If your thoughts are the same and they are automatic, and you’re not stopping to actually see the loudest one dictating your daily life-those thoughts eventually become engrained negative beliefs about who you are.
…beliefs that you’re not as good as your colleagues, not the best leader, not the best communicator, not the best ***you fill in the blank…
Become self aware of ONE big, nagging, annoying thought turned belief that keeps recurring day in and day out…
Question that thought turned belief.
Is it true?
What evidence this thought has to support it?
What is the real truth?
Start thinking every day about this one thought with the new information. Be intentional every day.
Over time, a new neuro pathway will be created to support the thought and turn it into a positive belief.
Choose one thought to focus on.
Write about it-do messy free writing about it or take out your phone and do a video of yourself talking about it.
Focus on debunking it. Become an expert on debunking your ANTS.
If you only focus on ONE at a time, you can get rid of the loudest ANTS that hijack your day loudly and sometimes very quietly!
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