A Circle Of Influence is your most valuable asset in your career. It’s a group of five people hand-selected that vou deeply trust to help you navigate your career with intent and make the right moves at the right time. It’s about intentionally putting together a group of people whose energy, insights, ideas, and endeavours influence and elevate the way you think and behave.
Who Are They:
Do you have your Circle Of Influence?
How often do vou meet with them?
Do vou need help identifying a Circle of Influence?
Think of the five people vou need to gather or refine for vour Circle Of Influence. Reflect on:
Choose vour Circle Of Influence potentials and come up with 10 people. Reach out to them and be clear about vour ask and your why. What do vou hope to collaborate with them on? Why do you think they will be impactful in your career?
Connect. Take them to lunch, have an experience together, and commit to meetings at
least once a month. Watch the cool things that happen when you put intent behind it.
Share this with someone that can use the inspiration. And, if the person who needs a bit of strategy around vour next moves is you, reach out!
Our leadership coaching empowers leaders like vou to successfully manage and move through big
transitions- intentionally curating a deeply meaningful life along the way.
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