Having resilience is a critical part of leadership and in all aspects of life. Hard times are inevitable-and when we build our resilience, we’re able to adapt more easily, regulate our emotions, and bounce back from challenging experiences so we continue to feel our best and do life.
We’ve been taught to intellectualize our emotions-that we can think through anything, we can reason everything, and our logic will intelligently get us through it. That is and alwavs will be a temporary fix.
Instead, we can use emotional intelligence, specifically self-awareness to intentionally process the events that hit us hard.
Over time that processing time will drastically decrease so you can move on to things that you need to do.
~Courage to get to know our triggers.
~Courage to stop and assess the event that triggered us.
~Courage to sift through the story and identify the limiting belief.
~Courage to question that limiting belief- do I actually think this is true?
~Courage to debunk it and replace it with a factual truth.
~Courage to reframe that limiting belief to a positive thought.
~Courage to create a new neuro pathway through the simple act of changing your mindset.
Over time limiting beliefs will lessen. Over time it will require less courage since new neuro pathways will help processes the emotions automatically.
Pay attention the next time you get triggered by something which elicits strong negative emotions. Write it down while it’s fresh or video record yourself on your phone and watch the video. Bold, I know, but it works wonders.
Follow the process above and see the power of changing your old beliefs to a new positive mindset.
If you need an extra dose of practice, I’d also recommend Rick Hanson’s book Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness. It’s one of my favorites!
Share this with someone that can use the inspiration.
And, if the person who needs a bit of resilience building is you, reach out!
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