The Power of Quiet Confidence THE WHAT We all have a few people in our lives that that have quiet confidence. It’s subtle, but strong, it’s genuine and kind, it’s grounded and unassuming, and it feels calming to be around. Quite confidence is the idea of developing a self belief that is deeply rooted in […]
THE IDEA We never really talk about what gives us energy and what drains us, maybe because we are expected to just accept things asthey are. Yet often we find ourselves exhausted, annoyed, anxious, irritated with others, maybe irritated with life and we don’t know why. Or the opposite-excited, joyful, light, curious, invigorated. The idea […]
Are there beautiful things in your life you normalize? THE WHAT We sometimes forget all the beautiful things that we now deem normal in our lives. But they are far from that. We normalize unique things because our brains prioritize efficiency, because we don’t have time for such silly things, or because we want […]
NEUROPLASTICITY | that ability to rewire your brain for new ways of living THE WHAT Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and rewire with new knowledge and information. The good news? That means we can fundamentally change the way we think and turn the negative chatter down. The best news? Emotional intelligence can help the […]
1. “I believe in kindness, also in mischief.” Mary Oliver 2. “When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with glad cries of “Me, too!” be sure to cherish them. Because those weirdos are your tribe.” Sweatpants and Coffee 3. “Generally, niceness involves doing something that is pleasing or agreeable. […]
THE WHAT PLAY frees up the mind and helps you perform better in everything. It’s scientifically proven. THE BENEFITS• Mental clarity• Emotional regulation• Enhance creativity• Reduction in stress• Agility during change Intentionally incorporating play and fun into your life is important for maintaining fostering creativity and innovation, strengthening relationships, and promoting mental health. THE CHALLENGE How do vou like to […]