read a little & get inspired a lot

THE IDEA We never really talk about what gives us energy and what drains us, maybe because we are expected to just accept things asthey are. Yet often we find ourselves exhausted, annoyed, anxious, irritated with others, maybe irritated with life and we don’t know why. Or the opposite-excited, joyful, light, curious, invigorated. The idea […]

What drains you? What gives you energy?

Nuggets of Wisdom

Are there beautiful things in your life you normalize? THE WHAT We sometimes forget all the beautiful things that we now deem normal in our lives.  But they are far from that.   We normalize unique things because our brains prioritize efficiency, because we don’t have time for such silly things, or because we want […]

A Life Well Lived

Nuggets of Wisdom

1. “I believe in kindness, also in mischief.” Mary Oliver 2. “When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with glad cries of “Me, too!” be sure to cherish them.  Because those weirdos are your tribe.” Sweatpants and Coffee 3. “Generally, niceness involves doing something that is pleasing or agreeable. […]

3 Quotes to Live By

Nuggets of Wisdom

Panoramic views can calm your mind? Yes, Yes they can! A QUICK THOUGHT Getting our a stressed state is sometimes hard…very hard. Here’s a quick hack… THE PRACTICE When stressed look at the horizon for1 minute. That’s all it takes to shift your mind. I didn’t believe it, until I tried it.

Stress SUCKS!

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE PRACTICE What’s that one thing you say you can’t do, but you really want to say, haven’t done yet?

Never say…I can’t do it!

Nuggets of Wisdom