read a little & get inspired a lot

The Power of Quiet Confidence THE WHAT We all have a few people in our lives that that have quiet confidence.   It’s subtle, but strong, it’s genuine and kind, it’s grounded and unassuming, and it feels calming to be around.    Quite confidence is the idea of developing a self belief that is deeply rooted in […]

Quiet Confidence creates powerful waves

Nuggets of Wisdom

Panoramic views can calm your mind? Yes, Yes they can! A QUICK THOUGHT Getting our a stressed state is sometimes hard…very hard. Here’s a quick hack… THE PRACTICE When stressed look at the horizon for1 minute. That’s all it takes to shift your mind. I didn’t believe it, until I tried it.

Stress SUCKS!

Nuggets of Wisdom

Confidence is about believing in yourself- your abilities, your judgment, your values,
your intuition


Nuggets of Wisdom