read a little & get inspired a lot

My last boss used to tell me, with a bit of annoyance in his voice, that I everything with such intent.  

I took it as a criticism at first, then I thought about it and saw it as a way of living fully engaged.

Do you live with INTENTION?

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE WHAT PLAY frees up the mind and helps you perform better in everything. It’s scientifically proven. THE BENEFITS• Mental clarity• Emotional regulation• Enhance creativity• Reduction in stress• Agility during change Intentionally incorporating play and fun into your life is important for maintaining fostering creativity and innovation, strengthening relationships, and promoting mental health. THE CHALLENGE How do vou like to […]

When was the last time you played?

Nuggets of Wisdom

image of a small child playing in a puddle

THE PRACTICE What’s that one thing you say you can’t do, but you really want to say, haven’t done yet?

Never say…I can’t do it!

Nuggets of Wisdom

We have over 60,000 automatic thoughts every single day, and most of these are  negative.  Hence ANTS
Worst thing?  They are almost the exact same every day.

ANTS: Automatic Negative Thoughts

Nuggets of Wisdom