read a little & get inspired a lot

The Power of Making Decisions with Both  THE WHAT As high achievers with big goals, we’ve all been there. Your brain says one thing, but your intuition | gut says another. The logical choice is clear, but something about it feels…wrong. Do you trust the data? Or do you follow your intuition? We worship rational […]

Intellect vs. Intuition

Nuggets of Wisdom

When playing it safe holds you back WHY IT MATTERS Confidence feels safe. It tricks us into believing we need to feel 100% sure before we act.  But waiting for that perfect moment? It keeps us stuck. Confidence follows courage, not the other way around. You don’t feel ready then take action. You take action then build confidence. Perfectionism disguises […]

The Confidence Trap

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE WHAT Clarity is the absence of mental fog, self-doubt, and external noise. It’s the ability to recognize what matters, make decisions without second-guessing, and move forward with conviction. At its core, clarity is about truth—not the comfortable or convenient truth, but the raw, honest truth about your desires, fears, and next steps.  It’s not just […]

Clarity. How do you get it, how do you act on it?

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE WHAT How do you end your day?The way you end your day directly impacts your mindset, sleep quality, and how you show up tomorrow.    Do you want to be in control and intentionally slow down, reflect, and do something that is healthy for you while strengthening your mindset? THE ROUTINE THAT TURNS INTO […]

The Power of the Evening Nightcap.

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE WHAT Wins boost confidence.They remind us of our strength.They inspire us when we feel lost.They build resilience when things get hard.  By focusing on wins, you’re training your brain to notice the positive—rewiring it to overcome negativity bias, building confidence and strong resilience along the way.     REFLECT What are your top ten […]

Wins…what are your top ten this year?

Nuggets of Wisdom

Wondering…helps our nervous system slow down and chill out, while creating a state of flow REFLECT Can you set up a time this week to just wonder?  No agenda, no goal, just letting your mind rest…

Wondering-The New Way To Rest And Refocus

Nuggets of Wisdom

“We are born makers”…when was the last time you made something with your hands?   THE WHAT When was the last time you created something…? How far back do you have to go? Yesterday, last week, last year…?   If you cast your mind back to your childhood, do you have memories of making and creating? […]

The Power Of Creating With Your Hands

Nuggets of Wisdom

some of my favorite people are intriguing, unique, and bold contradictions THE WHAT Being a contradiction and resisting fitting into a box allows you to embrace the full complexity of who you are, rather than limiting yourself to labels or categories.  THE WHY Authenticity  When you accept that you can be both bold and gentle, […]

Be a Contradiction..

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE WHAT We all need V2 in our lives. We come to crave growth, change, or simply something new. Is it a V2 at work, with a new boss, with a new team, or an entirely new opportunity?  Or maybe in our lives with a new adventure, a new town, a new community, a new […]

YOUR V2 is going to be awesome! 

Nuggets of Wisdom

Burnout…..can have long lasting impacts your life  Burnout…..can have long lasting impacts your life. GET CONTROL BACK. THE STATS A survey by Blind found that 57% of tech workers report feeling burned out. A study by the American Institute of Stress found that 65% of workers said that workplace stress had caused difficulties in other […]



The Power of Quiet Confidence THE WHAT We all have a few people in our lives that that have quiet confidence.   It’s subtle, but strong, it’s genuine and kind, it’s grounded and unassuming, and it feels calming to be around.    Quite confidence is the idea of developing a self belief that is deeply rooted in […]

Quiet Confidence creates powerful waves

Nuggets of Wisdom

NEUROPLASTICITY | that ability to rewire your brain for new ways of living  THE WHAT Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and rewire with new knowledge and information.   The good news? That means we can fundamentally change the way we think and turn the negative chatter down. The best news?  Emotional intelligence can help the […]

Changing our Mindset

Nuggets of Wisdom

1. “I believe in kindness, also in mischief.” Mary Oliver 2. “When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with glad cries of “Me, too!” be sure to cherish them.  Because those weirdos are your tribe.” Sweatpants and Coffee 3. “Generally, niceness involves doing something that is pleasing or agreeable. […]

3 Quotes to Live By

Nuggets of Wisdom

My last boss used to tell me, with a bit of annoyance in his voice, that I everything with such intent.  

I took it as a criticism at first, then I thought about it and saw it as a way of living fully engaged.

Do you live with INTENTION?

Nuggets of Wisdom

THE WHAT PLAY frees up the mind and helps you perform better in everything. It’s scientifically proven. THE BENEFITS• Mental clarity• Emotional regulation• Enhance creativity• Reduction in stress• Agility during change Intentionally incorporating play and fun into your life is important for maintaining fostering creativity and innovation, strengthening relationships, and promoting mental health. THE CHALLENGE How do vou like to […]

When was the last time you played?

Nuggets of Wisdom

image of a small child playing in a puddle